Luftbild Flughafen Gütersloh NRW ,eröffnet und 1945 bis 1993 RAF Gütersloh. Geschlossen 2013. In 1957 hat ein Freund von mir hier seinen Wehrdienst geleistet. Der war damit nicht zufrieden und hat eine Canberra Kampfflugzeug "ausgeliehen" um nach Hause zu fliegen obwohl er keine Piloten Ausbildung hätte. Zum Glück war er in den Rollbahn stecken geblieben.
aerial photograph of Gütersloh Airfield Germany, formerly RAF Gütersloh. Opened in 1937 it was used by the RAF from 1945 to 1993 and then by the British Army until 2013. Back in 1957 a good friend of mine did his National Service here. Unfortunately he didnt enjoy his service as much as he had hoped and decided he wanted to go home and to do so he would "borrow" a nuclear capable Canberra Bomber. Despite having no flying training , one night he climbed aboard a Canberra, got it started and proceeded along the Taxi wax in the direction of the Runway threshold. Fortunately for him he ran a wheel off the taxiway and got stuck in the mud. He ran off leaving the aircraft running where it was found the following morning.
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